150 Greenwich Street at Night
Here’s a photo of 150 Greenwich taken at night. As construction is still ongoing, it’s obvious why there are no tenants in the building yet, but it still looks almost ghoulish and abandoned with the empty…
Here’s a photo of 150 Greenwich taken at night. As construction is still ongoing, it’s obvious why there are no tenants in the building yet, but it still looks almost ghoulish and abandoned with the empty…
City Planning Votes Yes on SPURA (Curbed) New York’s City Planning Commission approved the proposal for SPURA on the Lower East Side, the largest block of undeveloped land south of 96th Street… although the scope…
188 Ludlow is a new high-rise on the Lower East Side, which had been stalled for quite some time. As you can see, the project is no longer on ice, and is actually nearing completion….
Here are more photos taken from the restaurant at the Club Quarters Hotel. The best part of the restaurant is definitely the view, which gives a great perspective of the entire World Trade Center site….
Here are the latest photos of 150 Greenwich Street, where work continues to progress. The base of the building is finally nearing completion as well. Cladding has now progressed beyond the building’s setback, and it…