
444 East 149th Street

Nine-Story, 31-Key Hotel Filed at 444 East 149th Street, Mott Haven

An anonymous Hell’s Kitchen-based LLC has filed applications for a nine-story, 31-key hotel at 444 East 149th Street, located in the South Bronx’s Mott Haven section near the area known as The Hub. The building will encompass 20,226 square feet. There will be 760 square feet of medical offices on part of the ground floor, followed by hotel rooms across the rest of the building. Oscar M. Fuertes’s Huntington, N.Y.-based firm is the architect of record. The 25-foot-wide, 2,600-square-foot plot is occupied by a three-story townhouse. Demolition permits have not been filed.

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268 Williams Avenue

Two Four-Story, 60-Key Hotels Filed at 268 Williams Avenue, East New York

An anonymous Rosyln, N.Y.-based LLC has filed applications for two four-story, 60-key hotels at 268-272 Williams Avenue, on the western end of East New York. The buildings will measure 25,399 square feet each. Across both, hotel rooms should average 250 square feet apiece and will be located across the cellar through fourth floors. Manish Savani’s Jamaica-based firm is the architect of record. The 15,000-square-foot property is vacant.

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