
207 West 75th Street

New Look: 207 West 75th Street

UPDATE: Per a reader’s tip, 207 West 75th Street is actually not Landmarked, and the site had to go through BSA review rather than the LPC, which grants special permits. The proposal for a new building at…

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655 West 187th Street

Revealed: 655 West 187th Street

The first permits are up for a new mixed-use building at 655 West 187th Street, in Fort George; the recently-prolific team at HAP is the developer, and Karl Fischer is listed as the architect of…

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501 East 74th Street

Revealed: 501 East 74th Street

The first renderings are up for a new residential tower at 501 East 74th Street, on the corner of York Avenue; the site’s developer is Benjamin Ohebshalom of Sky Management, and the architect of record is…

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732 West End Avenue

Rooftop View: 732 West End Avenue

YIMBY recently toured 732 West End Avenue, and the views from the building’s rooftop are impressive. The development stands 16 stories tall, and has 14 units in total; construction was controversial due to the neighborhood’s NIMBY politics,…

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