Articles by Vitali Ogorodnikov

Townhouse Expansion Complete at 78 West 3rd Street in Greenwich Village

Construction has finished at 78 West 3rd Street in Greenwich Village, where a pre-war, three-story townhouse received an extra floor and a horizontal extension. Permits call for a 2,997-square-foot commercial space on the lower levels. Five residential units take up 3,825 square feet on the floors above, averaging 765 square feet per unit. CEJ Properties LLC is the owner.

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Site Cleared for Seven-Story, Mixed-Use Complex at 37-21 32nd Street in Dutch Kills, Long Island City

A seven-story development is slated to rise at 37-21 32nd Street in Dutch Kills, in northeast Long Island City. The mixed-use project is one of several that are rapidly transforming the former industrial neighborhood. The 105,394-square-foot structure would occupy almost the entirety of the through-block lot, which stretches northwest-southeast between 32nd and 33rd streets.

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