Planned Supertall at 151 East 60th Street Appears To Be Latest Casualty of Chinese Development Bust, on the Upper East Side

151 East 60th Street151 East 60th Street, image by Kohn Pedersen Fox

Directly across the street from Bloomingdale’s, 143-155 East 60th Street, or 151 East 60th Street, was supposed to give rise to a residential supertall on the southern edge of the Upper East Side. The assemblage has seen impressive design proposals released by both Archillier Architecture and Kohn Pedersen Fox. Demolition of six low-rise buildings began in the summer of 2017, after permits were filed. However, since then, activity has come to a grinding halt, and it appears that the site is the latest casualty of New York City’s Chinese-led development bust.

143-155 East 60th Street remains empty. Photo by Yimby user, Oppix56

Several unrealized proposals have become victims of the Chinese government’s successful crackdown on capital outflows, including the nearby 118 East 59th Street. That project is only one street to the south, and remains an uncompleted excavated pit.

Had any of the proposed plans for 143-155 East 60th Street come to fruition, the tower would have made a large impact on the skyline, especially looking south from Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park. 143-155 East 60th Street would have risen around 1,000 feet, standing taller than both Robert A. M. Stern Architects 520 Park Avenue and the Bloomberg Tower. The building would have consisted of a large retail base and a supertall residential tower, perched on top.

Archilier Architecture’s proposal shows a tall and slender glass skyscraper with a flat southern elevation and an indented western side, with multiple terraces facing Central Park. Kohn Pedersen Fox’s iteration shows a uniform envelope of staggered glass panels with a central tapered profile and larger floor plates underneath the stepped crown.

Archilier Architecture’s design proposal

Since demolition began, The Real Deal reported that Kuafu and Sumi Properties refinanced the development with a new $100 million loan from Bank of the Ozarks. However, that was in April of 2017, and at this point, it appears the loan has been good for naught, with work on the site appearing to come to a total and complete stop. Kuafu has also informed YIMBY they are no longer involved with the project and have sold their stake entirely.

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11 Comments on "Planned Supertall at 151 East 60th Street Appears To Be Latest Casualty of Chinese Development Bust, on the Upper East Side"

  1. My beloved Subway Inn died for naught

  2. Now you’re just being mean

  3. It’s happening when you deal with Communist country who temporarily allowed Capitalism, while staying with remaining communist craps in their politics!!! China looks following steps of Soviet Union of 1921-1930, what was called a NEP, or New Economical Policy, what allowed reborn capitalist enterprises and new ventures, latter with partial government control with created jointly organization or capital control agencies, known as “trest”, it was surealic picture of pure untipia, one side of bolshevism in full steam, and on other side full glory of capitalism, with flashy neons, private department stores, healthy food markets, gold and diamonds and expensive furs of “nepman’ wives or girlfriends”, jazz and foxtrot, like Berlin of 1920s, except country was still in communist control and totalitarian government structures offices mixed with private offices of joint stock companies and corporations. It was ended, in 1930, brutal and ruthless government ended this all, arrested and later executed many of these “capitalist”, sent their wives in Siberian death camps, labor camps. Big Question remains why it was the hell was allowed, the answer was simple, the Communist Totalitarian State needs money for spreading their ideas and way of life across the Planet!!! Means to prepare for Global War first SU was created a big wealth, allowing people became rich by either working hard or even exploit hard working of others, then simple said it’s enough and nationalized them all, including their freedom and even life!!!
    In China it’s already lasted 3 times more than NEP in SU, but Government Of China is Still Communist and what is their beliefs???? Now they wanted to stop owerflow of capital out of China for two reasons, first to concentrate all 100% private earned capital inside the country, means 51% of solid government control of all interior businesses, and then nationalize overnight remaining 49% of capital at clock turned to 00:00 in Military time, you must know what is mean. Now it’s no surprise that private capital who made China turns to World GDP #1, leaving US just behind slightly, with our 22 trillion record GDP btw too. But we have 22 trillion debt, while China is totalitarian State who may print whatever amount of money to cover their set prices anytime soon!!! Same as Russian Federation, with End of SU, Communist power wasn’t ended, they simple choose new government who allowed their type of NEP, lasting also almost 3 decades, and now RF showing their plans to prepare to the Global War, what’s mean they may join with China. Scare scenario.

  4. And now we will have 2 empty lots who will stay undeveloped for decade or more. New plans if any must be approved first, then receive permission to built from LPC, and neighborhood community bord, then NIMBY activist start song “too complex, too high, too ugly, or “damn rent is too high after that”, then Boro President said “we need built more affordable houses”, finally 75/25 project of 20 floors were filled these 2 lots. With cheap bricks in outer layer. Thanks for that a New Great China Economical Policy!!! And if China doesn’t want their capital there, while we should maintain our investment in China grounds, built in America first, spend and invest in America first, not in China or Brazil!!! Again become political, sorry. But this article is happening because of new political climate in China and Russia. Not so friendly to United States and to preserve a Global Peace!!! We must start face this daily, China and Russia is Our Worst Enemy now. I’m praying the G’d that since February 2,2019 all previous agreements for demilitarizatin will be ended and we built new IRBM and Hypersonics to fully stand off against New Communist Global Threat!!! Made no mistake “NCGT”, no change in place of words, because a New Communist is much worse than old one.

  5. Too bad I really like this design.

  6. Hopefully it will be replaced with something better like 520 Park, or Bloomberg Tower, both are not supertall but pretty nice towers. I like Bloomberg Tower Oval Court, or their front retails on Lexington and on Third. Constructed one and half decade ago. Anyway luxury market in Manhattan is slip down, we have several supertalls what we deal with, crowned with Central Park West, why we need more. Build hotel, or more realistically affordable to build residential mixed use tower, but another superluxury tower when we topped out 3 superluxury towers and soon topping out another 2 supertall towers, all within just a half mile radius.

  7. How do I find out what the current plans for this lot are now?

  8. Jimbo Jones 3rd 2.0 | November 25, 2023 at 11:50 am | Reply

    Another Stern tower please!

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