
526 Union Avenue

Six-Story, 37-Unit Residential Project Filed At 526 Union Avenue, Williamsburg

Alliance Private Capital Group has filed applications for a six-story, 37-unit residential building at 526 Union Avenue, in north Williamsburg, located four blocks north of the G train’s stop at Metropolitan Avenue. The building will measure 26,389 square feet, which translates into an average unit of 713 square feet, indicative of rentals. De-Jan Lu’s Manhattan-based architectural firm DJLU Architect filed for the permit, and the 10,000 square-foot lot is currently being used for parking. The developer picked up the plot for $9.6 million late last year.

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104-84 165th Street

Six-Unit Residential Development Planned At 104-84 165th Street, Jamaica

Floral Park-based O&B Properties has filed applications to building a six-unit residential development spanning 104-84 – 104-88 165th Street, in Jamaica, located a number of blocks south of Jamaica Avenue. The developer will expand an existing two-story, single-family home to accommodate two units, and build two additional two-story, two-unit attached residential buildings. The expanded structure will have units averaging 824 square feet, while the new buildings will have family-sized units averaging 1,516 square feet. Queens-based Gerald Caliendo is the architect of record.

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550 Washington Street

First Look At Options for Redevelopment of 550 Washington Street, Hudson Square

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that 550 Washington Street would soon traverse ULURP as its owners, Westbrook Partners and Atlas Capital Group, want to redevelop the existing building in exchange for air rights from the failing Pier 40, which would also be saved. And now YIMBY has the first look at massing diagrams of the proposed plans, which reflect both the as-of-right redevelopment option, as well as what the site would look like if the ULURP application is approved.

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2150 Mill Avenue, image via Bing Maps

Mill Basin Hebrew School Plans Housing, 2150 Mill Avenue

Most Brooklynites know that Borough Park and Midwood are Orthodox Jewish strongholds, but fewer people are familiar with the somewhat smaller, tight-knit Jewish community in Mill Basin, a coastal neighborhood along Jamaica Bay. A developer plans to build six stories of faculty and staff housing next door to a Jewish charter school, according to new building applications filed yesterday.

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